SEO Blog Logs

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What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
SEO is improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site or page from the search engines using natural organic and algorithmic search results (SERPs).

SEO is actually a component of SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Which encompasses many avenues with which to promote a web site or page.
If you have come here looking for SEO help, you have found a blog that can help you. There is much information here to be held and please feel free to comment anytime...Even with a question.

March 18, 2008

Spamming for SEO Clients - What a Way to Make a Living

Click to listen to this postOK, so if you have a web site you are most likely party to scumbags that will call you, email you, and yes... even spam your blogs and forms with their promises of top ranking and top marketing skills. So I am generally pretty crabby about the spamming part, but when a company spams a one of my customers with NO company url, company name, and a GMail address I get pretty torqued up.

This customer, is actually my best friend, and she is not so Internet savvy... So her email spills in to my box with the zillion others, so that I can call her with anything important. Like I said, she is my best friend.

Her site is very simple, mechanically sound... Hell, the pages even validate. Now while its not the most spectacular web site in the world, its exactly what Lisa (my bud) wanted. So anyhow, this little web site gets care when I have the time as its not a top priority for Lisa, but none the less is on page one for nearly all of its "small pond" niche keyword phrases. So everybody's happy, right?

Guess not... Check out this spamming scum bag's email to whom he thought was my client...


Your website looks like IT would get a lot more visibility and traffic on the search engines if it is easier to locate. For no cost to you we will analyze your site and your web placement and show you how. Email
us today at Our free review comes with no

Akim Tracy
Scout Marketing

So, seriously what the heck is this guy doing? No web site, no proper contact information, and no real business associated with "Akim" and "Scout Marketing" that I can locate..... But he sure as hell has time to spam my customers. So Akim, about that review....

Lisa's Concessions
Google Rank
food concessions #6
mobile concessions #6
food service concessions #3
great mobile food #6
Concessions food #7
mobile food catering #5
mobile food service #29
mobile event catering #2
ohio food concessions #1
ohio mobile food service #2

So the site is clean, easy to navigate, ranks decently, the customer is happy... Yet you think otherwise. So Akim, consider this an opportunity to enlighten me. I will tell you right up front that the site lacks back links, but as I have already stated Lisa is not at all in to developing it, as the pool is very small and she only provides services in Northeast Ohio. Yes, you have indeed pissed me off, but at least your spam mail has no spelling errors.

Bring me this free report and show me how, I would be so grateful and even post it here for you to demonstrate your prowess to the whole world!

Peace and SEO ooooooooohh I hate spam,

Melanie Prough

DIY Your SEO With The SEOCog
Digg This Post We Require a Link Back to Please.
**We Require a Link Back Please.


Anonymous said...

I got this same spam just now. These people are obnoxious. I get one or two phone calls from SEO companies each month, too. They're a little more fun, because you can jerk them around a bit. Google "search engine optimization", and see how many pages of results you have to skip through before you find them (if at all), reading off page numbers one-by-one: "Nope, not on page 1 ... or 2 ... still don't see you guys on page 3 ... or page 4, or page 5. Not on page 6. Hmm. Page 7? Nope." Why hire a SEO "expert" who can't optimize their own placement? Sometimes, if you Google the company name itself, you'll find complaints from dissatisfied customers on the same page. That's fun, too.

Melanie Prough said...

That does sound like fun, I generally just ask them how they might advance my website. Seems, they usually haven't a clue. Many times, they hang up on me, and I enjoy this as well.


Anonymous said...

I get these all the time for my clients. It seems like these "experts" contact sites which rank well for terms, but are not #1. Maybe they assume it would be easy money since the site is already doing well.
One site I work with is #2 for a very popular phrase, only behind amazon, so we are happy with where we sit.
I just usually hit delete!! But I wonder who falls for these.

Melanie Prough said...

Hi Tracy,
Maybe they do look, I still think not though. I usually delete them as well, this caught me in a mood in guess, lol.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why this should be legal. Or maybe it's just because I'm so peeved about it too.. No,... it should be illegal! hah

Anonymous said...

Spamming is no beneficial way to reach your audience or getting higher in the Serps. Such SEO Companies were spamming, flooding, re-writing have-had been penalized, and we have past days seen a top black-hat-seo company banned from the Norway.

When we are being paid, for our SEO Services, Why do we feel the need to put customers in trouble by fooling search engines...? This does not make no sense to me at all. The quality organic white hat seo services may lead to a sustainable success, The clients will be glad with.

Fooling search engines would not be an impressive way. They might kick you and put you in trouble, and when it comes to Google, They will bang the black-hat-seo-people, right in the hand, and on target.

Thank you for this post. This makes sense and is impressive. You are appreciated for your work.

Anonymous said...

Spamming is no beneficial way to reach your audience or getting higher in the Serps. Such SEO Companies were spamming, flooding, re-writing have-had been penalized, and we have past days seen a top black-hat-seo company banned from the Norway.

When we are being paid, for our SEO Services, Why do we feel the need to put customers in trouble by fooling search engines...? This does not make no sense to me at all. The quality organic white hat seo services may lead to a sustainable success, The clients will be glad with.

Fooling search engines would not be an impressive way. They might kick you and put you in trouble, and when it comes to Google, They will bang the black-hat-seo-people, right in the hand, and on target.

Thank you for this post. This makes sense and is impressive. You are appreciated for your work.

Anonymous said...

I like your content about SEO-Blog. I am very inspired these type of information.

Anonymous said...

I hate these guys. I get my blog spammed like crazy...

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Have added you on RSS to keep myself updated.

Anonymous said...

I think it's laughable that they are trying to present as a business with a gmail adress and no contact details or website.

These emails are right up there with the ones we get offering to do outsourced SEO for our clients on our behalf. No thanks.