SEO Blog Logs

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What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
SEO is improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site or page from the search engines using natural organic and algorithmic search results (SERPs).

SEO is actually a component of SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Which encompasses many avenues with which to promote a web site or page.
If you have come here looking for SEO help, you have found a blog that can help you. There is much information here to be held and please feel free to comment anytime...Even with a question.

June 6, 2007 Goes 3D

Nothing new under the sun? The smallest big engine doesn't think so. has launched their new ASK3D search. 3D means three dimensions of search elements; query expression, investigating the results, and getting deeper in to the content. Ideally this will provide targeted information based on your query. Keyword and content ranking will be king as the relevance search mechanism take flight. Optimization, keyword research, and density will be crucial elements. The first thing you will notice is a new page format:


  1. Web
  2. Images
  3. City
  4. News
  5. Blogs
  6. Video
  7. Maps & Directions
  8. Shopping

So Ask is doing commercials, developing more relevant search, redesigning its interface, adding new features like 3D, and now has reduced its AD content in order to make room for tools and content! Bang we have a contender, look out big guys. It isn't everyday you see the proper marketing, tools, development, and design in action! Watch, they will be increasing their market share, last reported by Nielson

Netratings 4/07 as 126,286 searches which is 1.8% market share. (Benchmark we will revisit this)

Peace and SEO
