SEO Blog Logs

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What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
SEO is improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site or page from the search engines using natural organic and algorithmic search results (SERPs).

SEO is actually a component of SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Which encompasses many avenues with which to promote a web site or page.
If you have come here looking for SEO help, you have found a blog that can help you. There is much information here to be held and please feel free to comment anytime...Even with a question.

June 4, 2007

Google Does It Again, FeedBurner Acquisition.

Feedburner is the top tool for bloggers, podcasters, or feed creators to manage, deliver and syndicate their content. I use Feedburner in my Blogs. The most valuable feature is the "Choose Your Reader" feature. This allows the Blogmaster to choose from an extensive list of readers like Yahoo, BlogLines, and NewsGator for Blog readers to pick to use to view the blog in upon subscription. Fot many webmasters who havent learned how to create a feed yet, this is a good way to get on. Feedburner and Google plan to continue to offer the same great tools with plans of both companies working together for new advancements. Update: If you're interested, listen to the 45-minute audio file of our press call today with FeedBurner CEO Dick Costolo. (It takes a minute to load.)

I think this will go hand in hand will Google's interest in feeds over the last few months, and if history serves...there will be a new emphasis on Feedburner feeds. Better get one!

There is a FAQ page in the FeedBurner Blog and this was a question I had.....

Q. Will Google assume full operational control of FeedBurner, or will FeedBurner remain autonomous?

A. We are excited to have the FeedBurner team join the Google team. The FeedBurner website will remain operational as we continue to integrate their technologies with Google's tools.

Ummmmm, I think that means Google will be driving?,

Peace & SEO